Personal Experience

Organizing your desk, it really matters

As I delved deeper into GTD, I found that the urge to organize my desk to fit my needs became

Personal Experience

The power of routines

One of the very important things I learned during my personal productivity journey, is that it is important to set

Personal Experience

Alfred 3 and how I use it

As readers of my blog probably know, I work across different platforms. My personal devices are all on the Apple

Personal Experience Technology

What to put on your Calendar

This may seem like a trivial topic to dedicate an entire post to, but as I have matured in my

Personal Experience

What is shortcuts? And how I use it

Shortcuts is an amazing application that was acquired by Apple and integrated into iOS — it was called Workflow before

Personal Experience Technology

What I put into Evernote and how I organize it

In this post, I’ll talk about how I organize Evernote to make finding stuff easier. I use Evernote on a