I am Sherif Fadel Fahmy, my Mum and Dad had been in Nigeria for three years when I was conceived, but they decided to come back to Egypt for my birth. So, I was born on 25 March, 1981 in Cairo, Egypt. I’ve been told several times, when I am being obstinate, that that is a date that will live in infamy. Eh, what can I do? Families are like that.
Anyway, as soon as it was possible for me to fly, my parents took me back to Nigeria. So I can boast of being born in the deserts of North Africa and being brought up in the rainforests of West Africa.
After 17 years of terrorizing the natives, and my parents, they finally thought it would be a good idea to come back to Egypt for my university education. I enrolled in the computer engineering department of the AASTMT, and it’s been my home ever since. Except for a brief stint in the US when I was finishing my PhD in Virginia Tech.
I am an ardent libertarian, I strongly support neoliberal economics and full civil liberties. This sort of puts me at odds with most Egyptians, who tend to support one form of populism or the other — mainly religious conservatism or socialism. I am strongly opinionated, and I’m not afraid to share my opinon with the world. So sorry if that offends you, but you could always navigate elsewhere.
I guess that’s about it. Oh yeah, I’m now a lecturer in the computer engineering department of the AASTMT here in Cairo. I moonlight as an Internet addict.