Detecting and Preventing for Performance Assessment of IoT Devices Under Dodag Information Solicitation (dis) Attacks, T Kamal, E Helmy, S Fahmy, MH Abd EL-Azeem, 2023 40th National Radio Science Conference (NRSC) 1, 110-120
Generative Adversarial Networks as weight generators in ensemble classification, Asmaa Yehia, SF Fahmy, AF Amin, AIRC 2023.
An Ensemble Multi-Stream Classifier for Infant needs Detection, HA Fahmy, SF Fahmy, AADB Garcia, GB Juan, Heliyon, 2023
Spinal Muscle Atrophy Disease Modeling as Bayesian Network, ME Helal, ME Helal, SF Fahmy, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2128 (1), 012015, 2021
A hybrid entropy-based DoS attacks detection system for software defined networks (SDN): A proposed trust mechanism
S. F. Fahmy, Nada M. AbdelAzeem, Mohammed Sobh, Ayman Bahaa
Egyptian Informatics Journal, (2021)
Emotion detection in infants using an ensemble classifier with a novel member selection technique
HA Fahmy, SF Fahmy, AADB Garcia, GB Juan, Proceedings of the 2020 Summer Simulation Conference, 1-9, 2020
More Accurate Estimation of Working Set Size in Virtual Machines
S. F. Fahmy, Ahmed Alaa, A. F. Amin
IEEE Access, (2019)
Throughput and Wasted Work in Contention Management for Software Transctional Memory
S. F. Fahmy, Z. Sensousy, A. F. Amin
ICATAS, (2018)
Providing QoS in Contention Management for Software Transactional Memory
S. F. Fahmy, Z. Sensousy, A. F. Amin
ICENCO, (2017)
Blockchain and it’s uses
Sherif F. Fahmy
Self-Published Technical Report, (2017)
Chitosan-tripolyphosphate nanoparticles: Optimization of formulation parameters for improving process yield at a novel pH using artificial neural networks
R. A. Hashad and R. A. Ishak and S. Fahmy and S. Mansour and A. S. Geneidi
International journal of biological macromolecules, (2016)
Lossless Image Compression Using Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering and the Jensen-Shannon Divergence,
S, Samir, S.F. Fahmy, G. Selim
ICCTA , (2015)
Improving Tor Performance using Tor Optimizer with reference to Client Experience,
A. Fahmy, S. F. Fahmy, M. AlAmir,
AEIC, (2014)
Aggregating Local Metrics for Global Trust Calculations in the TOR Network
N. Moustafa, S. F. Fahmy, A. Hashad,
ICCTA, (2014)
MCSAuth: A New Authentication Mechanism for Cloud Systems
S. F. Fahmy and G. I. Selim and others
International Journal of Computer Applications, 88 (2014)
“A New Authentication Mechanism for Cloud System”,
François S. Nicola, Sherif F. Fahmy, Gamal M. I. Selim
Helwan University Engineering Journal 138, (2013)
Implementing distributable real-time threads in the Linux kernel: programming interface and scheduling support
S. F. Fahmy and B. Ravindran and E. D. Jensen,
Proceedings of the 27th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 1771–1778 (2012)
On STM concurrency control for multicore embedded real-time software
S. Fahmy and B. Ravindran,
International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems (SAMOS), 1–8 (2011)
On real-time transactional contention management on deadline-scheduled multicore systems
S. F. Fahmy and B. Ravindran, (2010)
Response time analysis of software transactional memory-based multiprocessor distributed real-time systems
S. F. Fahmy and B. Ravindran and E. Jensen, (2010)
Collaborative Scheduling and Synchronization of Distributable Real-Time Threads
S. F. Fahmy,PhD Thesis, Virginia Tech (2010)
On bounding response times under software transactional memory in distributed multiprocessor real-time systems
S. F. Fahmy and B. Ravindran and E. D. Jensen
Proceedings of the Conference on Design, Automation and Test in Europe, 688–693 (2009)
Response time analysis of software transactional memory-based distributed real-time systems
S. F. Fahmy and B. Ravindran and E. D. Jensen
Proceedings of the 2009 ACM symposium on Applied Computing, 334–338 (2009)
On scalable synchronization for distributed embedded real-time systems
S. F. Fahmy and B. Ravindran and E. D. Jensen,
Software Technologies for Embedded and Ubiquitous Systems, 394–405 (2008)
On collaborative scheduling of distributable real-time threads in dynamic, Networked Embedded Systems
S. Fahmy and B. Ravindran and E. D. Jensen
Object Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing (ISORC), 485–491 (2008)
Fast scheduling of distributable real-time threads with assured end-to-end timeliness
S. F. Fahmy and B. Ravindran and E. D. Jensen,
Reliable Software Technologies–Ada-Europe 2008, 211–225 (2008)
Scheduling distributable real-time threads in the presence of crash failures and message losses
S. F. Fahmy and B. Ravindran and E. D. Jensen,
Proceedings of the 2008 ACM symposium on Applied computing, 294–301 (2008)
Randomized Real-Time Gossip: Scheduling Distributable Real-Time Threads in Ad Hoc Networks Under Unknown Thread Hops
S. Fahmy and B. Ravindran and K. Han and E. Jensen (2008)
Randomized Real-Time Gossip: Scheduling Distributable Threads in Ad Hoc Networks Under Unknown Number of Thread Hops
S. Fahmy and B. Ravindran and K. Han and E. Jensen (2008)
Scalable Synchronization and Scheduling of Distributable Real-Time Threads
S. F. Fahmy,
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, (2008)
Scheduling dependent distributable real-time threads in dynamic networked embedded systems
S. Fahmy and B. Ravindran and E. D. Jensen
Distributed Embedded Systems: Design, Middleware and Resources, 171–180 (2008)
Using ears as a biometric for human recognition
M. Saleh and S. Fadel and L. Abbott
Proc. International Conf. on Computer Theory and Applications, 311–314 (2006)