
On Coups, Fascism, Broken Promises, and the Rule of Law

Right, I had promised myself not to get involved in politics any more. Those of you who have been following


Why I am against Morsi’s declaration

I am writing this post to document my objection to the latest constitutional declaration announced by Egypt’s president Mohammed Morsi. My

Personal Experience Politics

My isolation bubble and why I keep myself there

I am Egyptian. That, in itself, should tell you a lot. My country has gone through a lot. At first,


He who has ears, let him hear

Once upon a time in Germany, an ultra-nationalist and extreme right wing party, the Nazi party, came to power. The

Personal Experience Politics

The saga continues…

Those of you who know me, probably know that I have a problem with rent controlled tenants in my apartment building.


Why abandon nuclear energy?

Ever since the Fukushima nuclear disaster, there seems to be a global trend towards phasing out nuclear energy. A lot