Personal Experience Technology

Task Automation

Introduction Automating tasks that you habitually repeat is a sure-fire way to increase productivity. In order to get the best

Personal Experience Technology

Drafts 5: why use it?

Introduction What exactly is Drafts 5? That was a question I found myself asking after reading many glowing reviews of

Personal Experience

Drafts 5 and WordPress Correction

So, I wrote an earlier post about how I use Bear as an intermediary between Workflow and Drafts 5 in

Personal Experience Technology

My email system

Introduction Email may be one of the most important means of communication in the modern workplace. Even as more modern

Personal Experience

Is blinkist worth it?

I’ve recently been bombarded by ads about blinkist on the Internet, an app that provides summaries for books in the

Personal Experience

Meetings and productivity

Introduction Meetings are a feature of most modern workplaces, an activity that virtually all workers are subjected to at one