Personal Experience


Compared to the complexity of GTD, creating checklists probably seems like a trivial task. Given the way my brain is

Personal Experience Technology

What to review in the weekly review

I’ve previously mentioned on this blog that the weekly review is one of the core features of GTD — in

Personal Experience Technology

Deep work and how I use it

I’ve shared with you, on this blog and on my YouTube channel, how I use GTD to get myself organized.

Personal Experience Technology

Sharing short links to WhatsApp

I’ve often found myself needing to send a link to a friend, family member or colleague over WhatsApp. I’ve also

Personal Experience Technology

Evernote Search

Introduction Evernote encourages you to make it a dumping ground for all your notes — this includes email you forward

Personal Experience Technology

Organizing Evernote

Introduction Evernote is a very powerful note taking app. Its main strength lies in its very powerful search function. You