
Is this really social justice?

All Egyptians are taught to recognize the July 23 Revolution as the point at which social justice was finally implemented


How to set up your own website

I have just recently set up a website on my personal server. This blog entry aims to document the steps


Setting up a blog

So, a couple of moments ago I did not have a website and now I do. This blog is hosted


Twitter released it’s iPad app, when will Facebook?

Twitter officially released it’s iPad app a couple of days ago. Since I downloaded it, my experience of Twitter on


PC vs Mobile web access

I don’t know if this is the general case or if this is just a personal idiosyncrasy, but I have


I think, therefore I am — but I might be dreaming

I watched the movie Inception a couple of weeks or so ago and, ever since, have been immersed, albeit passively,