Articles By This Author

Personal Experience

The Importance of Backing Up Your Computer and the 3-2-1 Method

Introduction In today’s digital world, our computers have become an integral part of our lives. They store our precious memories,

A Gardner pruning topiary
Personal Experience

Pruning Plants: A brief introduction to pruning by plant type

Pruning is an essential gardening practice that involves the selective removal of specific plant parts, such as branches, buds, or

Personal Experience Technology

How to secure your online accounts

In the first part of this two part series, I explained how to encrypt everything. Your emails, your messages, your

Personal Experience Technology

Generative AI is biased

Generative AI is all the rage now. Every known company, and several that are completely unknown, are rushing to throw

Personal Experience

The Pruning Book: A Review

In my previous post, I went over the biology of pruning plants, and how it is possible to take advantage

The biology of pruning plants
General Personal Experience

The biology of pruning plants

If you have been reading my blog for a while — I hope you have! — you probably know that