Personal Experience

How my working habits prepared me for the COVID-19 work from home experience

If you’ve been following my blog, you will probably know that I have transitioned most of my working tools to

Personal Experience

How long can this COVID-19 lockdown last?

As the pandemic continues, it is becoming more and more evident that this lockdown, the social distancing and the work

Personal Experience

Pandemic Blues

We’ve been under social distancing restrictions in Egypt for about three weeks now. I am fortunate enough to work in

Personal Experience

Writing on iOS and Mac

So, I do a lot of writing on the go. For my short form writing needs, I rely on Drafts.

Personal Experience

Space opera showdown

This post contains spoilers about Star Trek, Star Wars and Battlestar Galactica, please do not read it if you haven’t

General Personal Experience

Screen-time for toddlers, my family’s debate

This post is going to be a bit different from the general topic of this blog. I’m going to use