Articles By This Author


Why I am against the death penalty

I am vehemently opposed to the death penalty. I find it a barbaric practice that has no place in the


Security Software: Open Source vs Closed Source

I recently had a discussion on Google Plus about the relative merits of open source vs closed source security software.


Using fork() and exec() on Linux

In a previous post, I explained how the fork() and exec() system calls are used to create processes on Unix. In this


How a process is started in Unix

First, let us define what a process is. There are many definitions for the term process, but, for the purpose


The rule of the majority fallacy

As you all probably know, Egypt is, hopefully, in a transition to a democratic society. We toppled the dictatorial regime


Compiling the 3.0 kernel on Ubuntu 11.04

This is a quick post to document the steps I took to compile the 3.0 kernel, the latest Linux kernel,