Personal Experience Technology

Updated Drafts script to process meetings

I had previously shared with you the Drafts script that I use to process my meeting notes. Since the last

Personal Experience

“It’s About Time” by David Mermin: A Review

I recently finished reading an awesome book, and I felt that I should share my experience with you all. As

Entertainment Personal Experience

Environmental Message of Wall-E and it’s Ending Credits

Introduction Wall-E is a beloved Pixar movie that tells the story of a lonely robot living on an abandoned Earth.

General Technology

Personal Cyber Security

Protecting your data in this connected-everything world is something that you should take very seriously. Your personal data is all


Why Computer Engineers Need to Study Electronics?

Introduction Computer engineering is a multidisciplinary field that encompasses both software and hardware development. As such, computer engineers must possess

General Technology

DevOps: A Brief Introduction

Introduction Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links from the Amazon Associates Program. This means if