Articles By This Author

Personal Experience

How I use Google Home?

For those of you who personally know me, you probably already know that I’m very much a tech addict. Anything

Personal Experience

Clarify and Organize — GTD

In my previous blog post, I discussed the first step of GTD — collect everything. In this post, I will

Personal Experience

Capturing everything

As mentioned in my previously blog post, the first thing you need to do when implementing GTD is to perform

Personal Experience

My personal productivity journey — the beginning

A couple of years ago I was promoted to head of the Computer engineering department in my university. Before that,

Personal Experience

Making hard decisions

As you climb up the corporate ladder, you are forced to make a lot of unpopular decisions. You have to

Personal Experience

In support of an unpopular economic policy

There seems to be a near consensus that the twin policies of floating the Egyptian Pound and cutting subsidies were