Personal Experience

Using filters on Todoist — a video review

This is a YouTube video of how I use filters on Todoist. If you have any comment or questions, please

Personal Experience Technology

Processing my shopping list using Drafts

Introduction I’ve previously mentioned on this blog and on my YouTube channel that Drafts 5 has quickly become my go

Personal Experience

Drafts 5 and Meetings

Video review of how I use Drafts 5 to write and process meeting notes.

Personal Experience Technology

Task Automation

Introduction Automating tasks that you habitually repeat is a sure-fire way to increase productivity. In order to get the best

Personal Experience Technology

Drafts 5: why use it?

Introduction What exactly is Drafts 5? That was a question I found myself asking after reading many glowing reviews of

Personal Experience

Drafts 5 and WordPress Correction

So, I wrote an earlier post about how I use Bear as an intermediary between Workflow and Drafts 5 in